Professor’s accusations contribute to racism

Julian Svedosh, Princeton
I am astonished at Imani Perry’s story. It’s completely understandable that she had unpaid parking tickets. Perhaps someone swiped the tickets from her car before she returned, and she never saw them. I sympathize that she ignored letters from the municipal court reminding her of outstanding violations; after all, these were mere parking tickets. I even sympathize with her having ignored the warnings she received that if the tickets weren’t paid, a bench warrant for her arrest would be issued . After all, most of what we get in the mail these days is junk. Maybe she never read the letters.
But my sympathy runs dry when she is arrested, treated the same any other arrested person, and then cries racism. At a time when police relations with the African American community are in terrible shape across the country; at a time when every responsible person is working to improve those relations, Professor Perrry plays the race card because she got caught being a scofflaw. Never mind that the warrant was issued because she ignored her responsibilities. Never mind that she was treated according to a protocol that does not vary by race, age, or gender.
Doesn’t she understand that by crying wolf she is undermining the legitimate grievances of people like Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice? She soils their memories by invoking their legitimate complaints in her underserving cause. She makes it more likely that in the white Americans will dismiss future African-American complaints about the police with the line, “oh that’s just another Imani Perry story.“ Imani Perry’ s slander contributes to American racism.
She claims the officer was lying about her speeding. All speeding citations are supported by a radar reading. She wanted a chance to call someone to prove her identity during the arrest. Why? Did she think that being a faculty member gives her immunity from traffic laws? According to the story, the officer gave her a break and cited a speed of 64 on the ticket rather than the 67 at which he clocked her. This lowered her fine and her points. Her gratitude? She accuses the police of racism and injustice.
There are plenty of legitimate problems with racist police in this country. Nobody is served when we invent stories. She has slandered the township government, and demeaned the university faculty. It’s time for Ms. Perry to grow up and take responsibility for her actions. And it’s time for the university to consider whether it wants her to represent the institution. 
Julian Svedosh 
Princeton 