PENNINGTON: Church series will explore Shakespeare in biblical context

William Shakespeare lived during an intensely religious time in English history. His plays are suffused with biblical allusions and theological insights.
During Lent, the Pennington Presbyterian Church is offering a free community six-week course to explore six of William Shakespeare’s key comedies in relation to biblical themes and issues, particularly the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Relevance to contemporary faith and life will also play a key role in the discussions in each session.
The schedule:
Feb. 14 — “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
Feb. 21 — “Much Ado About Nothing.”
Feb. 28 — “As You Like It.”
March 6 — “Twelfth Night.”
March 13 — “Measure for Measure.”
March 20 — “All’s Well that Ends Well.”
Participants are encouraged to read or watch the plays prior to each session, but are not required to do so. Outlines and plot summaries will be provided prior to each session by email. Video clips and selections from the text will be part of each session.
The class will be taught by Rev. Dr. Gordon Mikoski, associate professor of Christian education and director of doctoral studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. The classes will be on Sundays from 6:30-8 p.m. at Pennington Presbyterian Church at 13 South Main St., Pennington.
To register, email [email protected] by Feb. 10 in order to reserve a spot. This course is not restricted to the church’s members. 