HILLSBOROUGH: Resident has questions about cell tower notice provisions 

Editor’s note: This is a copy of a letter addressed to Mayor Frank DelCore, Schools Superintendent Jorden Schiff and Board of Education members.
I am writing about the “Notice of Hearing BA-15-18“ that will be held at the Hillsborough Board of Adjustment on Wednesday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. regarding Verizon Wireless’ proposal to install a telecommunications monopole at the Woods Road property owned by Hillsborough Volunteer Fire Company No. 3.
The application requests seven variances and/or waivers from current zoning code, including a use variance for a use not permitted in the R/A zone (Section 188-146A) and a variance for setback from a public school, Woods Road Elementary School (Section 188-149C(d)).
The town planner told me that the applicant was only legally required to post a notice in the Hillsborough Beacon and notify property owners that are within 200 feet of the property.
Dr. Schiff, I don’t understand how the community can inform itself of a variance request when they aren’t looking for it. The proposed structure will be 1,428 feet from Woods Road School and the zoning requirement is a minimum setback of 2,000 feet from a public school. This proposal affects all WRS students and staff, yet as word spreads slowly, only those who live near the firehouse are even aware a telecommunications monopole is being proposed.
Mayor, I don’t understand why the community is tasked again with defending the existing zoning code Section 188-146A, which specifically prohibits telecommunications structures in all zoning districts other than ED2, GI, LI, I-2, I-3, M&Q and O-2, which are conditional use.
Mayor and Dr. Schiff, I hope you will consider using your electronic newsletter communications to share this important information with the Hillsborough community.
Thank you for your consideration. 
Jean Trujillo 
Hillsborough 