EAST WINDSOR: Township to host first-ever 5K walk/run for autism awareness

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR – The Township Recreation Commission will be hosting its first-ever 5K/Walk/Run for Autism Awareness and Research and are inviting members of the public to lace up their running shoes and join in next month.
“The East Windsor Recreation Commission members raised the idea of holding a charitable walk/run event, wanting to expand community events and presented the proposal to the mayor and council,” said Mayor Janice Mironov in an email March 3.
It is the first time East Windsor has sponsored an event of this type.
“Many local families are impacted by the challenge of raising autistic children,” said the mayor. “We all hope to provide further awareness of the autism spectrum and the research being conducted and resources available to families coping with autistic children.”
April is Autism Awareness Month.
“The additional benefits are to encourage healthy exercise in our town and to showcase our East Windsor recreational jewel, Etra Lake Park,” said Mayor Mironov. “It was represented that there would be ample volunteers to assist with the event, no taxpayer funds would be spent to fund the event, the approved course would be centered in Etra Lake Park, and that proceeds would support Autism Speaks. If the event were to be repeated in future years other charitable organizations would be considered.”
The mayor said that she believes that the walk/run would be a fun activity to bring together people in the community, as well as a valuable tool to focus on and support important worthwhile charitable organizations and goals.
The event is being organized by the Recreation Director Liz Cellini and the Recreation Commission. It is being held April 9 starting at 8 a.m. at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. The cost is $25 per participant, which includes a t-shirt and a bag of assorted goodies including race bib, water and snacks.
“Etra Lake Park is a huge facility and allows the opportunity to provide a USA Track and Field certified and safe course for the event,” said Mayor Mironov.
She said that the route is centered around Etra Lake Park and adjacent across the roadway at Disbrow Hill Park. Course map and description is available by contacting the Recreation Department at 609-443-4000 ext. 225. Deadline to register is March 31.
The township has started promoting the upcoming event through several different ways. Postcards have been sent to the local school district and sent home with the students and flyers have distributed in local businesses and public facilities,” she said.
Those interested in volunteering can contact the Recreation Department.
Ms. Cellini said that the township looks forward to providing another community event while providing awareness and charitable assistance to such a worthy cause.
“We also look forward to seeing the residents participate and enjoy Etra Lake Park,” she said.
Donations also are accepted whether you are participating or not and can be made to https://register.communitypass.net/eastwindsor or contact the Recreation Department at 443-4000, ext. 225. Payments can be made by credit card, check or cash.