HILLSBOROUGH: Students, staffers jump rope for health, fun, charity 

How many times can you jump rope in 45 seconds? Sunnymead Elementary School students and staffers tested themselves and their heart health in a competition with guests in an event to support the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart.
Students worked in physical education classes to increase the number of times they could jump rope. They also learned and practiced more than 30 jump roping skills. Together as a school, students have jumped more than 50,000 times and have set new grade level jump numbers for this school year.
Any student who would like to compete in the competition gets his or her name into a grade level lottery hoping their name will be pulled to be the grade level jumper. In front of the entire school, the student picked in the lottery jumps as many times as possible in 45 seconds competing against a teacher representing the grade level.
Guests are invited to jump against the 4th grade students. This year Mike Davis, the health and physical education supervisor and a marathon runner, was a part of the competition. Tom Gurba, a Hillsborough police officer and boxing hobbyist, bobbed 130 times as a competitor of students. Sunnymead teacher Cara Petrozzo, known for attending Zumba classes daily, was another opponent. Superintendent of Schools Jorden Schiff, in his suit and tie, brought down the house with 93 jumps.
Lastly, Tammy Jenkins, the principal of Sunnymead, maintained her title by winning for the third year in a row. 