Join in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease

Jeannie Castells, Lambertville
As the Alzheimer’s Congressional Ambassador to Congressman Leonard Lance, I am very gratified that Congress voted for a historic $350 million budget increase to continue research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s.
Those of us who have seen firsthand the devastation of Alzheimer’s disease know that research must continue until a cure is found. Over 5.3million Americans are known to have the disease with 15 million serving as unpaid caregivers. It is the only one of the top 10 causes of death that has no prevention, no treatment, no cure.
In 2016, one in three seniors will die from Alzheimer’s. These numbers are only going to rise without a cure. What’s more, the diagnosis often leaves patients uninformed.
And so, The Alzheimer’s Association has proposed The Health Outcomes Planning and Education/HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act. Passage of this bill will allow for a Medicare-covered consultation to plan for care. The bill also ensures that the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is added onto all medical records.
This may sound simple, but too many patients do not know what to do once told they have Alzheimer’s, and they may not remember to tell other health careproviders about their diagnosis.
So much more needs to be done. If you would like to bring your concerns about Alzheimer’s to Capitol Hill, please join me and thousands of other advocates on Wednesday, April 6. The Alzheimer’s Association isproviding bus transportation to Capitol Hill to raise Alzheimer’s awareness.
For more information, call 1-800-272-3900 or visit 
Jeannie Castells 
Alzheimer’s Ambassador 
Lambertville 