PENNINGTON: Pastor is given grant for ‘renewal’ sabbatical 

Rev. Nancy Mikoski of Pennington Presbyterian Church has received a National Clergy Renewal grant for a sabbatical from May to August that will include traveling to Greece, Turkey and Italy.
The National Clergy Renewal Program is a competitive grant, and the award to Rev. Mikoski and Pennington Presbyterian Church is one of the 144 awarded for this year. The grant is funded by the Lilly Endowment and administered by Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. Established by the endowment in 2000, the program’s grants allow Christian congregations to support their pastors with the gift of extended time away from their ministerial duties and responsibilities, for reflection and renewal.
Rev. Mikoski’s sabbatical will run from May 16 to Aug. 16. The opening to her application reflects the overall character and purpose of the renewal program she proposed:
“Three words best describe the character and purpose of my sabbatical proposal: Energy, engagement and expression. I intend to intertwine activity with rest and reflection in order to me more energized in my ministry and in my family relationships. I hope to engage with scripture, history, geography, and art in new and exciting ways. I plan to study and reengage with Paul the Apostle through reading books and scripture, and by traveling to some of the significant places in his mission on a footsteps of Paul pilgrimage.”
Rev. Mikoski’s sabbatical will benefit the whole congregation. In addition to learning from visiting preachers, church members will be encouraged to read the Book of Acts, one of Paul’s epistles, and Rev. Mikoski’s travel blog. Upon her return, she will share her discoveries and insights from the pulpit and during other programs being planned. 