HILLSBOROUGH: Three policemen hired, ending roster changes 

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
Hillsborough’s police department completed a months-long, top-to-bottom roster shakeup Tuesday night when three officers were sworn in.
Three men — Bryan d’Anunciacao, Jon Seiple and Dennis Rivera — were hired to fill out the authorized roster of 52 officers. Mr. Seiple and Mr. d’Anunciacao are currently training at the Morris County Police Academy and scheduled to graduate May 26. They will start at a salary of $40,998.
Mr. Rivera, who comes from the Princeton University Department of Public Safety, started this week. He will be paid $46,805.
The action complete five months of systematic changes in the department.
Chief Paul Kaminsky left in December (effective Feb.1) and Lt. Darren Powell was promoted to replace him. Capt. Paul Merkler retired at the end of the year and Lt. Fran Mozgai was elevated to replace him.
Chief Kaminsky and Capt. Merkler both came to the force in 1989.
Sgts. Charles Boyle and Michael Fitzpatrick were promoted to lieutenant to fill the vacancies by the promotion of Chief Powell and Capt. Mozgai. 
Officers were promoted from within to become sergeants to succeed those promoted, as well as Trevor Oldenburg and Brian Besser, both of whom retired. Promoted to sergeant in March were John Carney, Richard Evans, David Fisher and Frederick Wacker.
Officer Richard Sellitsch also retired in February.
Five new officers were hired. In addition to the three hired Tuesday, Brian Hollenbach and Carly Valentino graduated April 22 from the Mercer County Police Academy and began patrol work this week.
The personnel moves are complete for now, said Committeeman Douglas Tomson.