LAWRENCE: Council should support anti-corruption legislation

Lois Riskin, Lawrence
The League of Women Voters of Lawrence Township supports tough laws to get Big Money out — and end the corruption — of our politics.
We are urging the Lawrence Township Council to approve a non-binding resolution that calls on our representatives in Washington, D.C., and Trenton to support anti-corruption legislation. One of our members, Jennifer Pavlik, will speak to the council about this resolution at its regular meeting on April 19. We hope Lawrence citizens will show up to support her.
This action would make Lawrence Township the third municipality in Mercer County to issue this call, following Ewing and Princeton. That’s what the Trenton Times editorial meant when it said: “N.J. Towns should follow the lead of Ewing, Princeton with Anti-Corruption Act” (Feb. 17, 2015).
Polls show 80 percent of Republicans and 82 percent of Democrats “strongly agree” special interest money has too much influence on politics. To help Lawrence citizens understand the issues, we will join Represent.Us Central NJ and Friends of the Lawrence Library to co-host a film and discussion, at the Lawrence Library, on April 27, starting at 7 p.m.. Everybody is welcome. 
Lois Riskin 
Lawrence 