PRINCETON: Supporting Crumiller and Fraga for council

Mary Clurman, Princeton
I support Jenny Crumiller and Leticia Fraga for Princeton Council.
I support Jenny because she questions easy assumptions, taking a broad view of each question as it comes before the council. As a current council member, she is a recognized advocate for neighborhoods, one who believes in protecting Princeton’s small-town character. We can count on Jenny to represent us fairly and objectively.
I support Leticia because, like Jenny, she is a worker, someone who sets out to solve problems and follows through. She sets concrete goals and achieves them.
The town’s civil rights commission was long ago folded into the Human Services Commission. Leticia, believing it should be revived, formed an advisory committee, studied Princeton’s civil rights experience and interviewed previous commission members. As a result, Princeton is expected to introduce an ordinance later this month re-establishing an independent civil rights commission.
As chair of the Board of LALDEF, when the Mercer County Community ID card program was terminated here in Princeton due to location and staffing issues, and knowing how important the ID is to many members of our community, Leticia and Bill Wakefield worked with a group of talented volunteers to make the ID card available at the Princeton Public Library on a weekly basis. The Community ID cards help non-driving senior citizens and disabled individuals as well as non-citizens. Since the program was introduced at the library, more than 100 have been issued, 40 of them this month alone.
Leticia is an experienced professional negotiator and arbitrator who can work “across the aisle,” with different personalities and in response to different needs. She will be a creative and independent member of Princeton Council.
My two votes go to Jenny Crumiller and Leticia Fraga. 
Mary Clurman 
Princeton 