MONTGOMERY: Fire commissioners salute contributions of late Claude Lewis

Montgomery District 2 Fire Commissioners
The following proclamation has been issued by the Montgomery Township District 2 Board of Fire Commissioners: 
Montgomery Township, District 2, Board of Fire Commissioners has lost a great friend and fellow commissioner.
Claude F. Lewis passed away on April 3, 2016.
Claude was a fire commissioner for 26 years, 1989-2015. He was instrumental in the growth and development of District 2 from a small one room station in Blawenburg to the fine department that is now stationed in its current facilities.
Claude was a 1947 founding member and life member of this department. He served as Chief, as well as President and later Trustee of the Fire Company. During the most recent years, Claude was Captain of the Fire Police.
Claude’s peers awarded him the Enos Parsell Award three times, in 1992, 1999 and 2009. This honor is given to a fire company member who exemplifies outstanding service and commitment.
Besides the fire service, Claude contributed to Montgomery Township as a police officer, Princeton Elks, Lions Club, VFW Post 8371 and American Legion Post 280. He was also a WW II Navy Veteran.
Claude was a hard-working volunteer for many worthy causes, and a true gentleman.
The members of the Board of Fire Commissioners of Montgomery Township Fire District 2 salute Claude, and express their sincere appreciation for his dedicated and tireless service to this board, to the fire department, and to the residents of Montgomery Township. 
Leighton Laughlin Jr., Chairman 
Jonathan Plimpton 
David VanDoren Sr. 
Stephen Weingart Jr. 
Peter Martin 