CRANBURY: Hooray for Mrs. K.! Town celebrates longtime church school founder, teacher

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
CRANBURY – The Cranbury Presbyterian Nursery School hosted a gala this past Saturday to celebrate Dorothy Klotzbeacher, or “Mrs. K” as the children call her, for her more than 30 years of service.
“The event was proposed to me by Janice Parker, CPNS director, to create, plan and organize,” said Cori Pisapia, chair of the event in a follow-up email on Monday. “The concept was initiated by Ms. Parker and the CPNS board.”
The April 23 event was held at the Cranbury Inn and featured food and a silent auction to raise money for future playground improvements for the children of CPNS and the community in Mrs. K’s honor.
In 1983, Dorothy Klotzbeacher, a teacher at the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, had an idea of filling empty seats during the week with nursery school children.
The school is on the church grounds at 22 South Main Street and provides enrichment programs during weekday mornings and afternoons to children 2, 3, and 4 years old.
Ms. Pisapia said that planning for the event started in September.
“We tried to tap into our local community as well as create items of ‘experience.’ That included a VIP police package provided by the Cranbury police department where visitors get to go to the police headquarters, check out the day-to-day activities of the police officers, see a real cell, possibly meet the captain,” said Ms. Pisapia. “And things like ‘Create Your Own Ice Cream’ at our local Gil and Bert’s.”
Those had been popular items used at previous auctions in town.
“We also had the CPNS families donate items based on assigned themes per classroom,” she said. “We combined these items with donations from local businesses to create themed baskets such as ‘Family Fun Night’ and ‘Day at the Pool,’” she said.
A company called Charity Fundraising also provided some celebrity autographed memorabilia, such as a guitar signed by the Rolling Stones.
More than 220 people attended the event, according to officials, and more than $15,000 was raised.
Matt Curran, CPNS board member, started off the evening by dispelling some rumors.
“Is Mrs. K retiring this year?” he said. “We are really here tonight to celebrate 30 years and counting. No she’s not retiring.”
Mr. Curran added that CPNS is glad to be there to help support Mrs. K’s efforts.
Township Committeeman James “Jay” Taylor – a former kindergarten student of Mrs. K’s – read a framed resolution recognizing her years of service and a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Dan Mulligan naming April 23 as “Mrs. K. Day” in the township.
“We are going to make a little history tonight,” he said. “As far as I can tell no individual in Cranbury has ever had a day named after them.”
Mr. Taylor He reflected on having Mrs. K for two years of kindergarten because “he can’t sit down, doesn’t listen, and lacks self-control” was written on his report card at the end of the first year.
“The first day of first grade I’m all excited and they say we decided you could use some reading help. And who should come down hall but Mrs. K,” he said. “So there’s Mrs. K three years in a row with a guy who can’t sit down, can’t listen and lacks self-control.”
Mr. Taylor said that when he heard a few weeks ago that they were honoring Mrs. K for her service, he said that she deserves to be a saint.
“I have one more request,” he said. “Every child in Cranbury knows one very special song, so I will agree to do it with you if you’ll do it with me – “Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel.’”
Mr. Taylor and Mrs. K. then sang the song and did the hand motions that went along with it for those in attendance.
“It is our hope that through this event and fundraiser we can honor her many years of service at CPNS with upgrades and changes to our playground,” said Ms. Parker. “We will purchase and create a buddy bench for “Mrs. K’s kids,” where children will gather here, meet new friends and always feel included and loved.
For Ms. Pisapia, the highlight of the event was seeing this small local nursery school get the recognition and support that it so deserves and seeing Mrs. K get honored by her peers and community.
“We are just so truly grateful for the support from the community, alumni and friends, near and far, for the school,” she said. “It was a fantastic evening for everyone in attendance.”
Ms. Parker said that a long time Cranbury resident it was one of the most exciting events this town has had.
“Many people commented that it was a wonderful event and one that makes Cranbury such a special community,” she said.