PRINCETON: High school principal on paid leave of absence expected to return this summer

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Princeton High School principal Gary Snyder is expected to return to work this summer after he spends the rest of May and all of June on a paid leave of absence, the school district indicated Tuesday.
Mr. Snyder’s request for a leave retroactive to May 9 through June 30 was approved Tuesday by the Board of Education. Officials have avoided saying much publicly about the reasons why he will be away this long.
In the agenda packet for the board meeting, a document indicated Mr. Snyder would be using accumulated sick days and “plans to return to his position July 1.”
Mr. Snyder has been out of school all this month, having been marked sick starting the week of May 2 and then requesting a leave. He has not returned messages at his home seeking comment.
In his place, assistant principal Lori Rotz will fill in on an interim basis, Superintendent of Schools Stephen C. Cochrane has said.