NEW HOPE: Historical re-enactor and ice cream shop owner Robert Gerenser dies

Local colonial-era war re-enactors will take part in a ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday, to salute the life of Robert V. Geresner, who died Saturday, May 28, at Frankford Hospital in Philadelphia at age 63.
The public is invited to join in the ceremonial scattering of ashes at Washington Crossing Park in Pennsylvania.
Mr. Gerenser led the Coryell’s Ferry Militia on 28 annual ceremonies marking Lt. James Monroe crossing the Delaware in 1777. A founding member Mr. Gerenser said he kept the militia, formed in 1984, focused on presenting the history of the town “to a public that is no longer shown that history.”
The last one was in 2013.
Mr. Gerenser was known for running Gerenser’s Exotic Ice Cream store on South Main Street that was an icon of New Hope for decades. The recently closed shop was the oldest family-owned business in New Hope.
Mr. Gerenser was active in New Hope life as a Borough Council member, active businessman, and school board member. 