HOPEWELL TWP.: Ruger says he’ll make decisions for both the short and long term  

To the editor: 
My name is Michael Ruger and I am the Democratic candidate for Hopewell Township Committee.
I have lived in Hopewell Township since 1998 with my wife, Tracy Vogler, and our three children. We live in Tracy’s childhood home, along with our two dogs.
I am a graduate of Penn State, where I majored in political science and psychology, and the Georgetown University Law Center, where I received my law degree. I have worked with the Federal Communications Commission in Democratic and Republican administrations and with a law firm in Washington. When Tracy and I moved to Hopewell Township, I spent several years as a stay at home parent while consulting. I am currently vice president of government affairs at Comcast in Philadelphia.
I have traveled throughout our country and every time I return home, I am reminded that Hopewell Township is special. Most people in the northeastern United States are not surrounded by what we see every day — wildlife, green trees, open fields and a sky full of stars at night. We owe it to our children, and their children, to make sure they can have the same experience.
If elected, I will make decisions based not just on the short term, but the long term as well. Once a field is gone, it is gone forever. I want to make sure we do not make choices today that we will regret tomorrow.
We also owe it to everyone who calls Hopewell Township home the ability to stay in the township. That means making sure we keep a close eye on the township’s budget while ensuring that residents have the services they need. Just as with our own family budgets, we need to focus on reducing debt, not adding to it.
Most importantly, if elected I promise to listen to you and to your ideas on how we can make Hopewell Township a better place to live.
I am very excited and very fortunate that Kristin McLaughlin is my running mate. I have known Kristin for years. She is a committed environmentalist and, as a leader in non-profits, she knows the importance of budgeting. Kristin will work hard to help Hopewell Township.
I look forward to meeting you in the months ahead.
Michael Ruger 
Hopewell Township 