HILLSBOROUGH: Donald Trump can act presidential, but that’s all 

To the editor:
Donald Trump continues his campaign, which is weak on issues but replete with personal attacks on his opponents, e.g., “tired Jeb,“ “lieing Ted,” “baby Marco,“ as well as charges of corruption by Republican leaders, etc.
Recently he has turned his attention to Secretary Hillary Clinton, characterizing her as “crooked“ and one of the greatest “enablers“ of her husband, President Clinton.
Recently he characterized her as “lacking in stamina“ (an oblique reference to her age). He obviously is experiencing memory problems, since she spent almost 11 hours under interrogation by the latest Benghazi investigation without any evidence of fatigue. There is no doubt she could have continued well beyond the requirements for many interminable Benghazi hearings, which yielded nothing.
I recently asked several people if they thought Hillary was a “liar“ and/or a “crook.“ Two of them were unsure, but, when asked to give examples, they could not. Mr. Trump must be required to present his evidence for all his scurrilous accusations. Just to say “Whitewater” is not evidence (there was none).
He is smart enough to know this.
When one speaks of being presidential, Hillary Clinton, by far, has the knowledge and experience to deal with our civil needs. She has the acquaintanceship of world leaders. Even more important, she has close relationships with world leaders and their politics. She has the toughness and wisdom to be our commander-in-chief.
Mr. Trump has tried to reassure us he can ACT presidential, but this is an eternity away from BEING presidential. 
Amadeo D’Adamo Jr. 
Hillsborough 