HILLSBOROUGH: Kids bike, swim and run in local YMCA triathlon 

On Saturday, April 30, Hillsborough YMCA held a Kids Mini-Triathlon in celebration of Healthy Kids Day.
About 20 kids participated in swim, bike and run components at the facility on East Mountain Road. Some even did the course two times!
Every youngster has his or her photo taken on the podium and received a ribbon for completion.
As a nonprofit organization committed to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y hosts Healthy Kids Day annually to encourage improved health and well-being among families within our community.
“We’re thrilled to host free community events like Healthy Kids Day,” said Kimberly Cole, executive director of the Hillsborough YMCA branch. “The smiles on the children’s faces demonstrate that making healthy choices as a family can be fun. Through the triathlon, kids take pride in setting goals and achieving them with the encouragement of their parents.”
According to YMCA of the USA, one in three U.S. children is obese, and when summertime hits, kids will be more idle. Research shows that without access to out-of-school physical and learning activities, kids fall behind academically and gain weight twice as fast during summer than the school year.
The Y’s Healthy Kids Day aims to promote the benefits of exercise and healthy snacks to help parents think about what their kids need to grow and achieve all summer long.
For information on Hillsborough YMCA, visit www.somersetcountyyma.org. 