HILLSBOROUGH: Honor society inducts sisters in Connecticut 

Hillsborough sisters Allison and Caroline Herdje were among 13 students inducted into the National Honor Society on Monday, April 25, at Forman School in Litchfield, Conn.
Forman NHS leaders Allie DiBiase, Jake Cloobeck and Davis Ebbert participated in the traditional candle lighting as they described the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character, which are considered when adding new members to the organization. Beyond exemplifying these qualities, NHS students are active in school programs, such as community service, athletics and the arts.
When the inductees were announced, each received the customary cords and went on to light a candle, symbolizing his or her dedication to this new post.
Head of School Adam K. Man congratulated the students and urged them hold fast to the characteristics that helped them earn this honor. “The qualities that you have exhibited that have led to your induction and now membership in the National Honor Society are certainly very admirable qualities. I think what you’ve done is tremendous,” he said. “I charge all of you…that you remember these things, that you continue to embody these things, and you encourage them in others so that we live in a better place.”
Formed in 1921, the NHS recognizes scholastically outstanding secondary school students. It was modeled after Phi Beta Kappa, the undergraduate collegiate honor society in the United States.