MONROE TOWNSHIP: A cool thing to do – Princeton Air helps couple get a new air conditioning system

When Dave Wessels first heard about the project, he was all in. It was, for him, a chance for one veteran to help another.
Mr. Wessels, a senior installation technician at Princeton Air, is also a first sergeant in the 465th Transportation Company in the Army Reserve. And thanks to his boss at Princeton Air and the Princeton Corridor Rotary Club, Mr. Wessels will get a chance to help a Monroe Township couple in need.
Thomas and Lucy Quinn, of Monroe Township, are still utilizing the mechanical systems original to their 40-year old home. The air conditioning system has not been operating for several years.
“I was speaking to Rotary Club President Elect Bob Landman about the summer weather outlook and then he shared that his neighbors, Thomas and Lucy Quinn, would be heading into the heat and humidity with no relief,” said Scott Needham, president of Princeton Air. “I couldn’t imagine facing another summer without a comfortable home and felt we had to do something for the Quinn family.”
Lennox, the system manufacturer, provided the equipment free of charge and Princeton Air donated the labor. The installation was done May 5 and May 6.The Quinns have appreciated the kindness and help as the cost to replace the system was beyond their reach on a limited monthly budget. They are looking forward to getting relief from those hot summer days and enjoying the comfort of their own home.
Princeton Air Conditioning, Inc. has been family owned and operated for more than 45 years. Its focus is on taking care of all heating, ventilation and air conditioning needs for both home and business.
Princeton Corridor Rotary Club is part of an international organization with more than 1.2 million worldwide members. Rotarians embrace the motto “Service Above Self.” The Princeton Rotary Club is part of district 7510, a group of clubs associated with Rotary International in central New Jersey. The objective of Rotary is to encourage and foster the idea of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.