HILLSBOROUGH: Firefighters help Girl Scouts with cookie distribution

Girl Scouts in Hillsborough broke last year’s sales record by delivering more than 34,000 boxes of cookies to hungry customers in town and around the country. More than 1,700 boxes were donated to military personnel through Operation Shoebox New Jersey.
This year, as in many prior years, Hillsborough Fire Company No. 2 worked with Girl Scouts by clearing out their trucks and equipment March 12 to make room for more than 2,800 cases of cookies, all staged and organized for pickup.
On cookie distribution day, cars roll through the two bays of the firehouse every few minutes for more than four hours. Girl Scouts and high school Honor Society students load car after car and check and cross check distribution forms.
For the second year in a row, Girl Scout leader volunteers Dana Shapiro and Nancy Giordano coordinated the cookie sale, including distribution day.
“With this many troops, and this many cookies, it can get a bit hectic and the use of the firehouse is a critical part of the entire process,“ said Ms. Shapiro.
“We really appreciate that they do this for us, and that the firemen even help us during the day with distribution,” said Ms. Giordano. “Working with leaders and troop cookie managers is a learning experience every year. We get some really unusual questions! Knowing that we are helping troops earn money that will be put toward fun trips and programs is so worth all of the effort.“
Girl Scouts in Hillsborough is an active and busy organization with more than 17 percent of school-aged girls participating and more than 300 adult volunteers coordinating activities and leading troops. Girl Scouts start in kindergarten and continue through high school.
If you would like more information on Girl Scouts and how girls can get involved, check out the website at www.borogirlscouts.org. 