PENNINGTON: Items for rummage sale will help Church fund clean water mission

Pennington Presbyterian Church will hold a rummage sale on June 3-4 to raise money for its Safe Water Mission to Mexico. Donation of items for the sale will be welcomed at the church starting Monday, May 23.
This summer, 11 young people and 11 adults from the church will travel to the Yucatan Peninsula to install a community-based water purification system with partners in Tahdziu, a rural village about 170 miles west of Cancun.
The church invites the community to support the rummage sale in two ways. People can shop from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, June 3, or from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at 13 South Main St., next to the church.
People can also donate gently used household items that can be dropped off, starting May 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the church office.
Excluded from the sale and donations are clothing and electronics (TVs, stereos, computers and the like.)
In Mexico this summer, the project will install a reverse osmosis system and teach adults how to share health and hygiene information with those who would use the system.
Young people will lead a Bible school program on water to build community support for the system.
This will be the third water project for the congregation, but the first year that youth from church will make the trip.
Each summer the youth group undertakes a service mission somewhere outside of the immediate community. In 2015, the group worked with Habitat for Humanity in Detroit.
The church will host an explanatory booth about the water system and Living Waters for the World at Pennington Day this Saturday.
The trip and equipment for the water system requires raising more than $40,000.
Pennington Presbyterian started the Dash Away 5K race as fundraiser last fall, and will run it again Dec. 3.
There have been special collections; cooking pancakes and making sandwiches; writing appeals to aunts, uncles and grandparents; and selling of “stock certificates” to fund the trip. 