HILLSBOROUGH: Democrats re-elect Beggiato as leader

John Beggiato was re-elected Democratic Municipal Chairman at the annual reorganization meeting of the Hillsborough Democratic Municipal Committee on Wednesday, June 15. The meeting was held at Mariana’s Restaurant, and Democratic committee members enjoyed dinner and camaraderie in addition to their electoral responsibilities.
Other officers elected are Anne Iannone as vice chairperson, James Bergstrom as treasurer, Meryl Bisberg as secretary and Howard Greenberg as sergeant-at-arms.
“The Hillsborough Democrats wish to thank the more than 3,500 Democrats who voted in the recent primary,” said Mr. Beggiato. “It was a truly remarkable turnout. These figures speak to the viability of our party here in Hillsborough.
He said the numbers augur well for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Congressional candidate Peter Jacob, Freeholder candidate Maria Rodriguez, sheriffcandidate Darrin Russo and Township Committee candidate Laurie Poppe.
“We welcome all Democrats and unaffiliated voters who prefer our candidates and vision — those who have been with us, new registrants, and those who changed their registration to Democrat for the primary,” said Mr. Beggiato.
The next meeting of the Municipal Committee will be July 13. The Democratic Alliance will sponsor a Democratic candidates’ night and campaign seminar on Aug. 3 at the Avalon Assisted Living Center, 393 Amwell Road. The seminar will provide insight into the role of the Democratic Municipal Committee and how volunteers can get involved in campaigns.
Democrats will be campaigning door to door and phone banking for candidates throughout the summer and fall. Volunteers who want to work on the local, congressional, and national campaigns should contact 908-505- 5150 or [email protected]. Event information and more can be found at www.hillsboroughdemocrats.org or www.facebook.com/groups/hillsboroughdemocraticalliance. 