EAST WINDSOR: Township presents volunteer service award to Milly Brown

Milly K. Brown was presented with the 2016 “Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer” at the May 17 East Windsor Township Council meeting.
Ms. Brown, an East Windsor resident since 1970, has been involved in many area organizations, including: Business and Professional Women; NAACP; Mercer County Office on Aging; East Windsor Local Assistance Board, as well as the First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown, where she has been involved in many types of service over the past 33 years and is an ordained deacon. Ms. Brown has also been a 25-year volunteer with the AARP, was a flood watch coordinator, and was the recipient of the 2014 AARP Andreas Award.
“Milly K. Brown has been a longtime dedicated volunteer in many areas of our community especially in programs and activities assisting those in need,” said Mayor Janice Mironov. “Milly is a unique and memorable individual who has made herself known among many within our community, and we thank her for her interest and service.”
The Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer, presented annually by East Windsor Township, recognizes a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public.
Sylvia Weiss is a former East Windsor Township Council member, past council senior citizen advisor and chairwoman of the Commission on Aging and was instrumental in the original formation of the senior citizen program.
Among those present for the award presentation were Township Commission on Aging members, including Douglas Greene; Chairwoman Ondina Jeffers; Susan Flaster; and Gloria Golbert.