CRANBURY: Ultimate Field Day celebrates day of wellness

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
CRANBURY – The students enjoyed a new way and approach to their annual field day on June 7.
“Ultimate Field Day was an opportunity for our student school community to come together to celebrate a day of wellness,” said Dr. Susan Genco, chief school administrator and principal in an email on June 10.
Field Day was all new this year, and it included an assembly, team sports and much more.
Dr. Genco commended health and physical education teacher and athletic director Cathy Elliott for her leadership and the entire physical education department – Jay Gilligan, Greg Anderson and Marybeth Manfredi – for facilitating the events throughout the day.
“We wanted to make this change because we believe that in a school community as close knit as Cranbury School, the student body and staff deserved a full day enjoying physical activities together,” said Ms. Elliot.
Every staff member and every student participated, including all the administrators, students, teachers, teaching assistants, PTO, custodial and cafeteria staff.
“Each group was represented by a specific T-shirt color with the Cranbury School logo,” said Ms. Elliot.
Students began the day with a 20-minute meeting in their Buddy Classes. Each upper grade homeroom meets with a lower grade homeroom throughout the school year to form relationships throughout the grade levels.
“Buddy Classes then participated in 45 minutes of relays – water balloon toss, scooter races, dress up relays, and scoop toss,” said Ms. Elliot. “The rest of the day was spent in four areas – Team Sports, an active Dance focused Assembly, Stations (24), and a lunch/recess period.”
Buddy Class Relays and the Dance Assembly were favorites of the day, she added.
Fourth-grader Delaney Keegan said that it was the best field day ever.
“We loved that it was all day and team sports and the assembly rocked,” she said.
Eighth-grader Jordan Marabello said it was awesome to be outside all day.
“My favorite part was the stations,” he said. “We had options and could choose the ones we found the most fun.”
Ms. Elliot said that the staff and students truly enjoyed the day.
“The PTO played an integral part in making this day possible and a great success,” she said, adding that the PE department thanked all of the parent volunteers.
Dr. Genco said that the PTO also played an important role in the day by funding the assembly program, providing lunch for the students and the T-shirts for the parent volunteers.
“Our volunteers manned various field day stations, made water runs to keep our students and staff hydrated,” she said. “Everyone went above and beyond to ensure a successful and fun day for our students.”