HILLSBOROUGH: Will park rise at site once seen for power plant? 

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
Six months ago, there was the threat of a power plant for 423 acres off Amwell Road in the middle of the township.
Now there is a glimmer of permanently preserved parkland.
Township officials are taking the next steps to make an offer to buy the Mindel property, which was publicized in January as a potential site for a 640-megawatt natural gas-powered electricity generating plant.
Genesis Power LLC, based in Massachusetts, said in early February it had abandoned plans to build “Amwell Energy Center,” which he said was then in the earliest stages. In January, when word spread about the potential of a power plant, the state Sierra Club chapter warned about air pollution and drainage into streams that provide drinking water.
After the withdrawal announcement, Mayor Frank DelCore said Simply put, today is a great day for Hillsborough.” He also reminded the public of the Township Committee’s promise to protect environmentally sensitive areas of the township.
After Genesis said it was withdrawing, there was response from the land owners to a periodic query letter from the township’s Open Space Advisory Committee asking if there might be interest in selling, said Township Committeeman Douglas Tomson.
Open Space Committee Chairwoman Helen “Chickie” Haines” said representatives of the Mindel, Marchese, Ridless, Sprinberg and Menkin extended family trust had signed a form expressing interest in receiving an offer from the township. On May 24 the Township Committee authorized Nancy Costa, its chief financial officer, to solicit bids for an appraisal of the property.
Mr. Tomson indicated the township is at the start of a long process, and getting dollar figures on a potential sale price is just a first step. Public ownership could also simply preserve a key property in the center of the township from housing or other development, he said.
He said the property has many wetlands and numerous environmental constraints. The property, which lies between Amwell and Hamilton roads and opposite Woods Road, holds “three interstate gas pipelines and multiple electric transmission lines,” according to the Genesis statement in Feburary.