• Jonathan Michael Fisher, 28, of Danbury, Connecticut, was charged with possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after he was stopped by police on Route 1 south at 10:33 a.m. June 4. 
  • Approximately $28 in cash was stolen from a metal box that was kept inside the front desk area of a West Windsor Township business sometime between June 4 and June 5. A lock box on the business’s front door had been pried open, but the key was still inside the box and the front door was locked. The burglary and theft, which was reported at 10:47 a.m. June 5, was discovered after the manager entered the business. 
  • An employee of a business received telephone calls from a man on two consecutive days, in which he made sexually vulgar remarks. She told him that she was going to call the police and hung up. He called back a third time and repeated his sexually vulgar remarks to her, and also indicated that he wanted to rape her. She has been escorted, as needed, by police. The incident was reported June 9 at 9:34 a.m. 
  • United States Postal Service investigators are looking into an incident in which a 27-year-old West Windsor Township man was notified that a temporary change-of-address request to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania., had been made in his name via the Internet. The victim went to the post office branch at Carnegie Center to inquire about it, and was told that it had been made via the Internet and a credit card was used to pay the $1 processing fee. The incident was reported on June 9 at 11:21 a.m. 
  • Ibn M. Blanford, 35, of Newark, was arrested on an outstanding warrant for $5,000 from Newark Municipal Court after he was stopped for soliciting without a permit in the Windsor Ponds development on June 11 at 2:40 p.m. 
  • A 61-year-old West Windsor Township resident reported that someone opened a Bank of America credit card account using her personal information while she was on vacation between May 20 and June 4. Charges totaling $4,096.76 were made to the account in Las Vegas and New York City. The credit card has since been cancelled. The incident was reported at 2:14 p.m. June 12. 