HILLSBOROUGH: College grads share news of achievement

Two local residents were among those earning master’s degrees at the University of Scranton (Pa.) at a commencement ceremony on campus May 28.
Michael William LaMotta of Hillsborough earned a Master of Business Administration degree with a major in operations management. Deanna S. Russo of Hillsborough earned a Master of Science degree with a major in occupational therapy.
Joseph P. Bannon, M.D. ’83, chairman of the Department of Surgery at Regional Hospital of Scranton, was the principal speaker at the graduate degree ceremony.

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Two Hillsborough residents graduated from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., the weekend of May 20.
Brielle Reynolds received a Master of Arts in educational psychology and childhood studies. Christine Tricarico received a master’s degree in business administration.

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University of the Sciences recognized Hillsborough graduates at the 195th commencement celebration in Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, in Philadelphia.
Puja Desai of Hillsborough received a doctor of physical therapy degree.
Priyanka Kelshikar received a doctor of pharmacy degree with a minor in pharmaceutical and healthcare business. She received the Hyman and Ida E. Kellar Award given for contribution to the life of the university.
Saranya Srinivasan of Hillsborough received a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmaceutical and health care studies from University of the Sciences on Friday, May 20, 2016.
Students in the doctor of occupational therapy, doctor of physical therapy, doctor of pharmacy, and master of physician assistant studies programs were eligible to earn a bachelor’s degree as they continue their matriculation toward their professional degrees. Saranya now continues on a path towards a doctor of pharmacy degree.
To have a student’s accomplishment printed, email words and photos to Managing Editor Gene Robbins at [email protected].