ROBBINSVILLE: High school complex to named for Dr. Steven Mayer

Shaun Mayer shared a story at the April 22 memorial service about how his father, the late Dr. Steven J. Mayer, made sure to tell him each day before departing for school to “make someone’s day today.”
That profound and inspirational message will be forever enshrined at Robbinsville’s three schools during a ceremony at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, at Robbinsville High School.
The Robbinsville School District and Robbinsville Township will host the dedication ceremony, which will include the renaming of the RHS Athletic Complex after the former superintendent, who died in a tragic accident on April 19, 2016.
The initials “SJM” will be embedded onto the new field turf, and plaques engraved with “Make Someone’s Day Today” will be installed at the entrances to Sharon School, Pond Road Middle School and Robbinsville High.
The school district, with support from the township, also will embark on a multi-faceted fundraising campaign in order to help realize one of Dr. Mayer’s primary visions of a new fieldhouse on the grounds of the athletic complex.
“It is truly an honor to work closely with the school district and have the blessing of the Mayer family regarding this moving and appropriate dedication,” said Mayor Dave Fried. “We agree wholeheartedly with the decision to dedicate the athletic complex. The high school campus is a most fitting place for this remarkable tribute, and the township is here to assist in any way it can.”
School Board President Matthew T. O’Grady said the dedication suggestions received from throughout the community were overwhelming and humbling.
“There were certainly a host of thoughtful and very interesting ideas about how best to honor Steve’s legacy,” said Mr. O’Grady. “I think it is safe to say we were all blown away by the outpouring of love and support. Ultimately, our committee and the township truly believe having it on the high school campus is the right thing to do, and having the blessing of the Mayer family sealed it for us.”
Robbinsville Township will donate $14,000 – proceeds gained from the sale of “Robbinsville Strong” T-shirts and wristbands – to the Robbinsville Education Foundation (REF) to help support the fundraising effort. The township used those same proceeds to donate a total of $10,000 to New York’s Deerfoot Lodge and Hope Unlimited for Children in Brazil, two of Dr. Mayer’s other passions.
The day also will feature music performances by each school, brief speeches by Mr. O’Grady, Mayor Fried and acting Superintendent Kathie Foster, along with food trucks and other music. The event is open to the public and will be held in front of RHS beginning at 10:45 a.m.
For more information on donating to the field house fund, contact REF representative Sharon DeVito at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.
Contributions to the Mayer Family Education Fund are still being accepted at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.