Princeton High School Principal Gary Snyder resumes duties after sick leave

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Princeton High School principal Gary Snyder returned to work last week after missing the final two months of the school year on a medical leave, the school district said.
Assistant Superintendent for human resources Lewis Goldstein said Tuesday that Friday, July 1, was Mr. Snyder’s first day back on the job. Mr. Snyder could not be reached for comment.
He had been marked out sick starting the week of May 2 and later asked for and received from the district a paid leave of absence using sick days through the rest of May and all of June. The high school of 1,583 students had been led during that time by assistant principal Lori Rotz, who filled in on an interim basis.
“He’s back,” said school board president Andrea Spalla on Tuesday.
Mr. Snyder has been the high school principal since August 2003, with the district saying it expected him to remain in that position.
“My understanding is that he is,” Mr. Goldstein said.
Superintendent of Schools Stephen C. Cochrane on Tuesday said he was “happy to have him back.”
On his Twitter account, Mr. Snyder wrote on June 20, the day of the high school graduation: “Beautiful night, beautiful ceremony, & a beautiful class! Congrats & best wishes PHS ’16!” It was his first tweet since May 3, the same week he was marked out sick.
Friday also marked the return of high school athletic director John Miranda, who also had been on a medical leave, Mr. Goldstein said.