HOPEWELL: Horgan brothers earn Eagle Scout rank

Newtown Troop 29’s Paul and Tommy Horgan recently earned the highest rank in scouting — that of Eagle Scout.
Both brothers returned to St. Andrew School, which they had attended as youths, to complete their Eagle Scout leadership service projects. The brothers are the sons of Paul and Anne Marie Horgan of Hopewell.
Paul wanted to give something back, particular to Mr. Matteo who was a favorite teacher during the time he attended. He led a group of volunteers in creating four raised garden beds, stones paths between them and installing a water catcher. The result is an enhanced space in which students can learn about botany in Mr. Matteo’s Garden Club.
Along his trail to Eagle Paul served his troop in several leadership roles including assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader. He is an ordeal member of Order of the Arrow Ajapeu Lodge. Paul enjoyed many camping experiences with his troop, especially the annual ski trips to Elk Mountain. He attended the West Point Scoutmasters Council Invitational Camporee four times and was part of the patrol which won the coveted saber in 2015.
Paul is a rising senior at Holy Ghost Preparatory School. He is a three-season athlete participating in cross country, indoor track and track and field, as well a member of National Honor Society. After graduation he plans to study business.
Tommy reached out to see if there was something he could do for the school. He led a team of volunteers in the Roadtop Game Repainting project they proposed. Tommy and his volunteer crew repainted the faded existing games and added new ones to the blacktop at the elementary school on Wrights Road in Newtown.
Along his trail to Eagle, Tommy served his troop as patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader. He enjoyed camping with his unit at Ockanickon Scout Reservation each summer and his trip to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. He is an ordeal member of Order of the Arrow Ajapeu Lodge.
Another highlight of his Scouting career was being a member of the patrol that took the coveted saber at the West Point Scoutmasters Council Invitational Camporee.
Tommy is a rising senior at Holy Ghost Preparatory School, where he is a member of the varsity track team, National Honor Society, National French Honor Society and National Art Honor Society. 