EAST WINDSOR: They do good business

   The East Windsor Township 2015 Business Awards have been presented to East Windsor Bowl and Recreation Center, Scotto’s Pizza and Restaurant, and RISE: A Community Service Partnership.
   The purpose of the annual township awards program is to recognize local businesses that have made special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The categories of township award recognition are Business Beautification, Community Service, and Community Enhancement.
   Mayor Janice Mironov presented a 2015 business award to East Windsor Bowl and Recreation Center, accepted by owner Vijay Papaiya and manager Karen Kleber, for “Improvements and Contributions to East Windsor Township.”
   In 2015, East Windsor Bowl and Recreation Center, on Route 130 North, performed an extensive transformation of its bowling center, a local recreation option, providing a state-of-the-art 24-lane bowling center complete with new scoring technology, flat screen TVs, a full-service snack bar, arcade gaming area and party room.
   East Windsor Bowl supports township programs in the recreation department and clean communities committee with coupons for free bowling.
   ”The township recognizes and appreciates the extensive upgrades and modernizing renovations and are pleased to house in East Windsor a highly popular and desirable local recreation option for our children, families and seniors,” said Mayor Mironov. “This entire project is a great example of the reinvigoration of an existing township business and investment in the town, and we expect it to thrive as a busy and fun facility.”
   An award was presented to Scotto’s Pizza and Restaurant, accepted by co-owner Connie Scotto accompanied by her daughter Bianca Barella, for “Improvements and Contributions to East Windsor Township.”
   In 2015, Scotto’s Pizza and Restaurant, in the Twin Rivers Shopping Center, greatly enhanced its restaurant operations and appearance, completing a major renovation of its dining room, and thereafter adding an outdoor dining patio and new signage.
   ”Scotto’s, a longtime local and popular restaurant with residents, undertook attractive and modernizing improvements to its establishment, enriching its look and allowing them to expand offerings and host more customers,” said Mayor Mironov.
   An award was presented to RISE: A Community Service Partnership, accepted by Leslie Koppel, Executive Director, for “Special Community Enhancement Contributions to East Windsor Township.”
   RISE, A local non-profit service organization, provides referral and support services to empower families and individuals in need.
   ”Every year we select a local business that is special, that does something out of the ordinary, which adds value to our community. RISE has under current leadership and staff, offered effective and noteworthy pro-active innovative new programs, opportunities and community outreach, by successfully seeking grants, volunteers and partnerships,” said Mayor Mironov.
   Summer enrichment camps, after school student programs, a food pantry, new and expanded community meals, student school backpacks and supplies, and the “MLK Jr. sleepy time drive” are among its many local initiatives.
   ”RISE is also recognized as a ‘green’ vehicle in our community, participating in township recycling events and operation of the thrift shop, for positive reuse of many donated traditional household items as furniture, clothing, blankets, appliances and electronics,” said the mayor.
   ”East Windsor has an extensive treasure of local businesses of all sizes and types,” Mayor Mironov said, “and therefore the selected businesses awardees have particularly stood out this past year for their business improvements and community activities.”