PRINCETON: Leslie Kuenne named to head board of McCarter Theatre Center

Leslie Vought Kuenne has been named president of the McCarter Theatre Center board of trustees.
A Princeton resident, Ms. Kuenne has been an engaged community activist and a McCarter trustee since the 2012-2013 season. She assumed her new duties in July.
Ms. Kuenne is a graduate of the University of California San Diego and received her master’s degree in genetics from Sarah Lawrence College. She worked as a genetic counselor in both New York and Philadelphia area hospitals.
She has served the Princeton arts and non-profit communities as a board member of the Arts Council of Princeton and the Stony Brook Garden Club. She has also been a volunteer with Trinity Counseling Service and Princeton Day School.
An avid painter, photographer and patron of the arts, Ms. Kuenne is married to Princeton businessman Christopher Kuenne and is the mother of three sons.
Ms. Kuenne suceeds Brian McDonald, who began his service at McCarter as a trustee in 2002 and became board president in 2012. He will remain on the board as immediate past president.
Mr. McDonald, an entrepreneur, a businessman, and former vice president for development at Princeton University, led the board during a period when the financial crisis made a major impact on arts organizations. 