Use social media to communicate better

To the editor: 
On Sept. 26, I spoke to the Hopewell Township Committee on the opportunity to improve communications between the township and residents.
Facebook and Twitter allow information to be distributed quickly, reliably, and inexpensively. These sites, often referred to as social media, also allow us to be citizen reporters and share information. While township organizations, including the police department, already use social media, there is no single place for someone to go to learn about all available sites.
During the past month, there were two instances where better use of social media would have been useful. Residents of the Elm Ridge Park neighborhood would have benefited from more information about the paving project. All of us would have been helped by more information about the gas main rupture on Route 31, which disrupted traffic and created a public safety issue.
We can learn from these events and improve the way information is distributed. First, there should be a central place for residents to find official township accounts, and everyone should be encouraged to sign up. Imagine how much better connected we would be if all township social media platforms were coordinated and promoted in one place. And imagine the reduction in calls to the township building and emergency services.
Second, the township should educate residents on how to use these accounts. The library has offered classes in the past, but we should look for other ways as well. For example, high school students could share their knowledge as community service projects, and local businesses could distribute information about the sites.
As someone who has significant experience in communications, I know how social media can help spread the word when done right. I believe any steps we can take to get information in the hands of township residents quickly, accurately, and economically is not just an important thing to do, but the right thing to do.
Kristin McLaughlin and I are running for the Hopewell Township Committee to offer fresh voices and new ideas. We look forward 
to sharing ideas with you, and ask that you vote for us on Nov. 8. 
Michael Ruger 
Democratic Candidate
Hopewell Township Committee 