Give your opinion on community priorities

To the editor: 
I am a candidate for the Hillsborough Board of Education (BOE) in the Nov. 8 general election.
Hillsborough teachers and staff are currently working under the agreement of a contract that expired on June 30, 2016. The Hillsborough Education Association (HEA) and the BOE are currently negotiating a new contract. Those outside the negotiations committee can only speculate as to the reasons for the delay in reaching a new contract.
I do not presume to say what I would do in the BOE’s situation. But, the BOE is comprised of elected members who represent the community. I ask the community — what are our priorities?
I believe our priorities should be respect, fairness and appreciation. Teachers, administrators and support staff all work together to educate our children. Children are the future and it’s in all our interests to ensure the professionals who educate our children are treated fairly. One way to show this is by ensuring that teachers have a fair contract.
You can voice your opinion to the BOE at [email protected] and the HEA at [email protected] . Please share with me your thoughts and suggestions at , visit my blog at and email me at [email protected] .
I ask for your vote this Nov. 8. Thank you for your support. 
Jean Trujillo 
Hillsborough 