SOMERSET COUNTY: Governor appoints Michael H. Robertson as county prosecutor

By Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
Six months after being selected to replace former Somerset County Prosecutor Geoffrey Soriano, Acting Prosecutor Michael H. Robertson has been nominated to take the role on a more permanent basis.
Gov. Chris Christie announced Mr. Robertson’s nomination Thursday for the position along with those of seven other positions.
Mr. Robertson was originally appointed as the county’s acting prosecutor after Mr. Soriano was removed from his post over his office’s investigation into the deaths of Montgomery Township residents John and Joyce Sheridan.
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Robertson served as an assistant U.S. Attorney for eight years. During that time, he served on the Health Care and Government Fraud Unit, the Organized Crime and Gangs Unit and the Violent Crimes Unit.
Like all appointments made through the Governor’s Office, the state Senate will have final approval.