PRINCETON: University President Eisgruber to meet with mayor and council

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Princeton University President Christopher L. Eisgruber is scheduled to meet with Mayor Liz Lempert and the Princeton Council in early November, the fourth time he will have met face to face with the municipal governing body during his presidency.
At past meetings, Mr. Eisgruber has fielded questions from the governing body on a range of topics concerning town and gown.
University vice president and secretary Robert K. Durkee said Monday he expects the university’s campus plan will be one of the topics that comes up at the Nov.9 meeting in the former Borough Hall.
The university is in the midst of planning the short-and long-term growth of its campus, with decisions looming on where to locate the next residential college for an undergraduate population that is poised to grow by 500 students through a phased in expansion.
The Eisgruber meeting, which is open to the public, is due to start at 7 p.m. 