Voters should not trust candidate Donald Trump

To the editor: 
Donald Trump cannot be trusted to “faithfully execute the Office of President of The United States and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” as required in the oath of office.
As president he has the responsibility to faithfully execute our laws and to defend us from all enemies, domestic and foreign. He has shown that he is unfit and unprepared to meet those duties as follows:
He has demonized and demeaned citizens based on their race, sex, ethnicity, religion and disability.
He has called for mass deportation squads to round up 11 million immigrants and their citizen children.
He supports a ban on Muslims for entrance to the United States based on a religious test.
He created the racist “Birther Movement” and for years lied about our president’s citizenship and faith.
He was sued by the Department of Justice for racial discrimination in the renting of his properties.
He supports “Stop and Frisk” police practices ruled unconstitutional by a federal court as racial profiling.
He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin as Russia engages in cyber-attacks on our country.
He refuses to disclose his tax returns and business dealings in Russia and China.
He states that his meeting treaty obligations to our NATO allies is conditional.
He demonstrates no understanding of our nuclear weapons program and the proliferation threat.
He does not accept the science of climate change and wrote it was a Chinese hoax.
He has used money from donors to his charitable foundation to pay for his legal settlements and political donations.
He has encouraged violence against peaceful protesters and Hillary Clinton.
He accepts the support of domestic terrorists like the Ku Klux Klan and campaign aides connected to white supremacists’ ideology.
Many of Mr. Trump’s actions, and proposals violate our Constitution and existing laws. I urge my fellow Americans to review our Constitution and Bill of Rights before they vote in November. Republican elected officials, including Congressman Leonard Lance (R Dist.7) and Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-Somerset) must do the same as they are Trump supporters. Our Democracy and world leadership is at stake. 

Sonya Martin 