Trump the best candidate for America

To the editor: 
Vote for Trump. He loves the United States of America, while Hillary only seeks fame and political power.
Trump is the successful leader of thousands of employees. He is a superb executive; he gets things done. Hillary flopped in her only project, Hillarycare.
Foreign affairs? In every country where he built hotels or golf courses, he had to deal with the local VIPs. This was more down to earth, realistic and varied experience than Hillary’s flitting from palace to palace.
Our country now has more and stronger enemies than ever before while our military has been seriously cut. Senior officers who are not in agreement with Obama have been retired. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been given to Iran; for what? Iran wants to wipe us out, and they really mean it. Read the Koran. And they probably already have The Bomb. Ten years ago, it was said they would have the bomb in two years; it took our Oak Ridge team only four years to deploy an A-bomb starting from scratch. Hillary will continue this policy in Iran.
Open borders have let in many ISIS fighters. This is OK with Hillary. She has been bought by the likes of Saudi Arabia to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars deposited into the Clinton money-laundering foundations. As president, she would have to hold up her part of that deal. I think that as commander-in-chief, she would surrender vast parts of our land; Alaska to Russia, California to China.
Who would stop her? Congressional leaders have been neutered our mainstream press would find a way to praise her.
Is her brain functioning well? She seems to have “I-don’t-recall-osis.” Every time she is asked a question about her shady past, she can’t recall. And when she does recall, she lies.
Her attitude towards regulations pertaining to classified material is that she is above them; only the peons have to comply. Indifference to the law like that would extend to the entire cabinet.
About Trump’s alleged misdeeds, Bill Clinton’s are far worse, and Hillary condoned them and sent goons to intimidate his female victims. War on women? 
John Pratt 
Hillsborough 