Two issues at head of Trujillo’s candidacy

To the editor: 
I am a school board candidate in the Nov. 8 general election — the school board election is at the bottom of the ballot.
Two issues on my mind that are not currently being addressed are later school start times, especially at the high school, and a balanced school year schedule.
Hillsborough is a technology leader in implementing the one-to-one Chromebook program, and these two ideas would bring us to the forefront of the latest education research. Research shows that aligning school schedules to teenager sleep cycles would improve mental, physical and academic health. A balanced calendar reduces the long summer break and would divide the 180 days of school into more frequent breaks. This would reduce the summer learning gap, limit long periods of in-session days and also benefit families to vacation at off-peak times.
If elected, these are two ideas that I would like to investigate with community input. You can learn more about me at, visit my blog at and email me at [email protected].
I would like to represent the Hillsborough community on the school board and ask for your vote this Nov. 8. Thank you for your support. 
Jean Trujillo 
Candidate for Hillsborough Board of Education 