Classic cars and character in downtown Hopewell

To the editor: 
Last Friday’s Hopewell Cruise Night was a triumph of community spirit, merchant’s organization and automotive aesthetics, not to mention a touch of nostalgia cum carnival atmosphere. As a classic car aficionado I try never to miss this Broad Street event and always come with my 1965 Mercedes-Benz Finback in tow (not literally, she always comes under her own power).
This year, two particular Hopewell businesses are to be commended, Hopewell Motors and Stewart von Ohesen.
They both hosted show stopping Shirley Temple impersonations by 9-year-old child prodigy, Vasilisa Seneko of Princeton. Dressed in costume as the ’30s littlest starlet, Miss Seneko knocked the bobby socks off the assembled crowds with her rendition of, “The Good Ship Lollipop,” and other Shirley Temple hits.
What a fantastic combination, classic motorcars and a classic cinema character performance on the Great White Way — Broad Street in Hopewell, that is. 

John Kuhn Bleimaier 
Hopewell Township 