Leonard Lance works for his constituents

To the editor: 
To me, one of the most important aspects of representation is being attentive to the needs of your constituents. Congressman Leonard Lance is that kind of representative. He listens. He takes action. His office calls you back and offers assistance. And he has held over 70 town hall events to hear from us, the citizens, on the important issues facing the country.
Representation is more than voting in Washington — that’s important — but so is fighting for our neighbors and communities as they deal with matters before the federal government. Mr. Lance’s office has successfully closed over 4,000 casework matters, delivering results for veterans, senior citizens, students and people like me, who walked into his office one day and asked for assistance. Congressman Lance is definitely results-oriented for his constituents. I know this from firsthand experience.
These kinds of results matter. They certainly do to me. That’s why I am supporting Leonard Lance for another term in Congress. 
Frank Everett White Jr. 
Clinton Township 