To be an informed voter, use League of Women Voters’

By Chrystal Schivell, League of Women Voters
Jim Kilgore wrote in his farewell: “The greatest reward of being in journalism is not the bottom line … but the waiting line an editorial or news story produces at the voting booth.”
Thus for the past eight years, The Packet has donated space to the League of Women Voters for its Voters’ Guides. The Packet continues to cover league forums and to report the candidates’ positions, based on their responses in the league’s new, online guide,
The league is grateful for Mr. Kilgore’s vision and generosity and urges voters to visit to see the complete responses of candidates for all offices and the video of league forums. Please be prepared to vote. Applications for vote-by-mail ballots must be received at the county clerk’s office by Nov. 1 and the ballot returned by Nov. 8. 
Chrystal Schivell 
Voter Service Chair 
League of Women Voters 
of the Princeton Area 