McLaughlin, Ruger are public servants

To the editor: 
I have already voted by mail for the Nov. 8 election. The decision for Hopewell Township Committee was easy for me as it should be for all township voters.
Kristin McLaughlin and Michael Ruger epitomize the community service, life experience and educational attainment we should expect from our elected representatives in Hopewell Township. They have demonstrated that they understand the issues affecting our community, have the skills to help formulate solutions, and commitment to get the job done.
By contrast, their opponents, Republican incumbents John Hart and Todd Brant, showed poor judgment by making former Committee Member Harvey Lester township mayor and even worse decision making by voting to approve Mr. Lester’s out of control spending in 2014. That damage will take years to repair. Mr. Hart and Mr. Brant have shown they don’t have the right stuff and should be rejected by township voters as Mr. Lester was rejected last year.
Make the smart choice for the Nov. 8 election. Vote for Kristin McLaughlin and Michael Ruger for Hopewell Township Committee. 
David Sandahl 
Hopewell Township 