Township in need of balanced government

To the editor: 
I would have thought that the Democrats’ misleading campaign tactics would have left me alone this year following their unprecedented misrepresentations during last year’s banner year of distortion.
In individual letters to the editor last week, both Democrat candidates for Hopewell Township Committee demonstrated not only their ability to obey the party line, but also why one–party rule is a bad idea for the township.
In one letter (“Township needs to control taxes”), that candidate implied that “an average increase in property taxes of 4.6 percent during the past three years” violates the 2 percent state-wide cap. The fact is that the 2 percent cap controls some, but not all, aspects of a budget. The fact is that no township budget has ever violated the 2 percent cap. None. Ever. Not even the Democrat’s 7 percent tax increase in 2014.
In the other letter (“Candidate will lead to build senior center”) that candidate claimed that “in 2015, Mayor Lester and his allies voted against even modest monies to start the design process for a new center.” The fact is that, at that time, we did not own the senior hut and, therefore, could not include it in a responsible budget. The fact is that, at this time, we still do not own the senior hut, thereby proving the wisdom of last year’s decision. Nonetheless, the Democrats appear to be proposing massive, traffic-generating development at the Pennington Circle.
That’s why this election is so important to all fair-minded voters.
Only by re-electing BOTH John Hart AND Todd Brant will taxpayers have a voice for checks and balances on the Township Committee. Otherwise, the current Democrat majority will secure a super-majority. No check on out-of-control development. No balance on spending your tax dollars. Only your vote can prevent one-party rule.
Vote for balanced municipal government. Vote for BOTH John Hart AND Todd Brant. 
Harvey Lester 
Hopewell Township 