McLaughlin will be voice of reason

To the editor: 
I am writing today to endorse my friend and colleague, Kristin McLaughlin, as a candidate for Hopewell Township Committee.
I have known Kristin for eight years and we have worked together on school boards and non-profit organizations. In all of those years she has always handled herself and those that she works with the respect and professionalism that allows for all to feel comfortable offering their opinions. But she is no pushover.
Kristin is passionate about education, our environment and keeping the community affordable and protected. She will work hard to ensure that the issues facing our local government are approached with a reasoned and thoughtful plan to make sure the problem has both a solution and a path to actually getting the particular problem solved.
I have full confidence that Kristin will be a thoughtful and far-sighted committeeperson. In this time of tension on the national level and the inability of people to work together and hear constructively what others have to say about an issue, Kristin will be the voice of reason and action.
I am so happy to endorse her candidacy for the Hopewell Township Committee. 
Dina Brewer 
Princeton 