With Trump in charge, health care freedom will return, and he will be fair, but tough and respected.

Nancy DeNagel, Belle Mead
To the editor:
Well. well, after all the months and years Hillary Clinton has been preparing for the presidency, all the help she’s had, the mainstream media firmly behind her, lauding, printing only her own version of her strengths, ignoring all of her weaknesses, misjudgments, lies and utter failures as secretary of state, the hatefulness toward Donald Trump spewing from her lips and the extreme bias of 90 percent of the media against him, the American people rejected her?
Why, she even brought in celebrities to entertain them, hoping they would stay to hear more of the venom entering her head. Goodness, even the current president himself made the most unusual move, for a sitting president, to spend his valuable time flying around distant states the eve of the election in a last effort to urge people to vote for her.
But who could blame him? After all, she had to win in order to follow his legacy and fulfill his third term. She had already learned how to imitate his tendency to lie to the public; remember the over 30 times he promised us on TV that under his “affordable” new health care plan we could keep our current health care plan, we could keep our doctor, and we would save thousands of dollars a year?
Our daughter, a registered nurse, and new widow with a child at the time, found the most affordable approved plan she qualified for thanks to Obama cost three times more, had a $3,000 deductible and a 50 percent copay once she paid the deductible.
But to get back to the good reasons for Hilary Clinton’s good reason for desperation to win the presidency, think of all those countries with terrible conditions for their citizens — especially women, who are not allowed to drive of be educated or be seen in public without their husbands, and must endure marital rape and other abuse from husbands without recourse, such countries whose donations in the millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation that Hillary gladly accepted. Do you imagine those human rights-violating countries gave up all that money because of the kindness of their hearts? Don’t you wonder what they were promised or expected once Hillary was president — as of course with the press and most television stations on her side promising Dooms Day if Trump were elected, they were so sure would happen.
Nice try, Hillary. Too bad so much of the public were intelligent enough to see through her lies, see the fear behind that smug smile she gave Mr. Trump when he told her, “You should be ashamed of yourself.” Wow! How true! And to think she almost became commander in chief of our country! What a narrow escape we had. Maybe justice will be served in time. I have it on the highest authority that Mrs. Bill Clinton is still under investigation, and this time the Attorney General won’t be under orders from the president not to prosecute, and the FBI head won’t be ordered or threatened to back off the investigation.
I do want to offer a few words of comfort to those who are devastated at the thought of the end of the eight-year Obama era. President-elect Trump isn’t nearly the ogre the media and hatemongers are still trying to make you believe he is. He will be fair to his people — even those who didn’t vote for him — and tough and respected by our enemies.
In some ways it will be the opposite of the present president/dictator-want-to-be, who took away our freedom to choose our own health care and even dictated what public bathroom we must use. What’s wrong with that? The first woman to be elected president of our country won’t have been under investigation by the FBI. Women should rejoice at that! Our military will be made strong again. What’s wrong with that? our borders will be protected from terrorists sneaking in under the guise of being frightened, homeless refugees. What’s wrong with that? And, among many more reasons to give thanks for being spared the pain and turmoil of our nation being under the control of the most corrupt president in history if Hillary had been elected, our president’s first concern will be the safety of our nation and its people. Hallelujah!
And, with Trump in charge, I’ll be able to say this without offending the atheists.
Nancy DeNagel
Belle Mead