PRINCETON: Peter Marks the intelligent choice for mayor

Dorothy Koehn, Princeton
I am casting my vote for mayoral candidate Peter Marks on Nov. 8 for the following reasons:
1 – As a 30-year Princeton business owner (residential rental properties) and resident I have witnessed and weathered the gamut of municipal governmental over-spending, expansion and takeover, to the exclusion and disregard of taxpaying citizens by the one-party status quo governing body over nearly 20 years, to the point of a near resignation. Mr. Marks speaks to this and would change the situation with his everyday good-sense business approach.
2 – I have also long suffered and can attest to the attitudinal indifference among many voting residents of Princeton as described in Mr. Marks letter to the editor, Town Topics, Oct. 19, whereby he points out that the more affluent citizens and university residents “view costs and property taxes as matters of indifference,” while those of us who provide the town with services (small businesses) are in the cold trying to keep up with the ever-increasing costs and fees (rising taxes).
3 – I agree completely with Mr. Marks’ analysis and assessment of the incongruity which characterizes the Princeton residential community wherein people will promote and support the status quo of the one-party Democratic body (mayor and council), then complain and decry the ever-rising costs and the changing face of Princeton, as though caused by some outside, external force.
When will Princeton citizens wake up to the fact that trying to solve problems after they are allowed to take hold is backwards. Mr. Marks has business acumen, experience and insight. He is the intelligent choice for a sustainable Princeton.
Dorothy Koehn