Thanks to all who made Heart Walk a success

To the editor: 
I would like to thank the central New Jersey businesses, organizations, families and community groups who stepped up to the plate to help hit heart disease and stroke out of the park at the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s 2016 Central New Jersey Heart Walk. The fundraising and wellness event, which was held on Sept. 30 at Arm & Hammer Park, home of the Trenton Thunder in Trenton, was the first-ever night time Heart Walk in the state.
I’m happy to announce that the event raised over $413,000 for the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s mission of building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Donations to the Heart Walk support such life-saving efforts as funding research and education, advocating for better health, improving patient care and reaching at-risk populations.
Nationally sponsored by Subway and locally sponsored by NRG Energy Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb, NJM Insurance Group, WIMG 1300 AM and WWFM 89.1 FM/JazzOn2, the Central New Jersey Heart Walk encouraged participants to learn more about heart disease and stroke risks and to take the steps to help prevent these diseases in our community.
Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 killers of Americans. The American Heart Association is committed to helping individuals and businesses foster a culture of health, and to providing science-based treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals, policymakers and the public.
For more information about the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, please visit 
David R. Hill 
Chair, Central New Jersey Heart Walk 
Princeton 