Hightstown-East Windsor Historical Society hour tour deemed a success

The Hightstown- East Windsor Historical Society 2016 House Tour “Step Back in Time” held Oct. 23 drew an attendance of nearly 300 visitors. This year’s event raised around $6,000 from tickets sold and paid advertisements from local merchants. The tour included seven historic homes dating back to the 1800s.
“Thanks to all who attended and volunteered, but a special thanks to our seven residents who opened their lovely homes for our enjoyment,” said Cappy Stults, historical society president.
House Tour Chairwomen Shirley Olsen and Robin Olsen believed several important factors helped with the success of the event, including the seven homes on the tour, perfect weather and the growing popularity of Hightstown as an attractive town to visit and live.
The chairwomen cited Robert Craig and Julie Ely for researching the history of each house through land title research, historic architecture, genealogy and newspapers. They also cited the homeowners on the tour for being generous in allowing the public to tour their residences.
More than 60 volunteers were on hand to offer information about the houses, furnishings and history.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the historical society’s efforts to maintain Ely House and update its library. Ely House, which sits on land originally settled in 1721 by John and Mary Hight, serves as the society’s headquarters. 