HILLSBOROUGH: Garbage firms face noise control

By Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
Complaints of early morning trash collection that have been waking residents as early as 4 a.m. pushed officials to act quickly, they said at a public hearing last week.
Mayor Frank DelCore described the situation during the Nov. 9 Township council meeting prior to the introduction of an ordinance amending the solid waste chapter of the township code book.
“We have received complaints from certain residents within the township that there have been solid waste companies making pickups of trash collection as early as 4 a.m.,” Mayor DelCore said. “This ordinance is in line with our noise ordinance.”
Under the proposed ordinance, the municipal code book will have provisions in it requiring solid waste collection services to limit when solid waste collection companies can operate within the municipality.
If approved, the township will restrict solid waste collection to the hours between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. “in order to preserve the peace and quiet in neighborhoods during the hours when most residents are asleep.”
In the event that a company fails to comply with the proposed ordinance, a fine of up to $2,000, imprisonment for no longer than 90 days or both could be leveled against the offending individual or company.
For each day that officials find a person or company violating the ordinance, a “separate and distinct offense” will be charged.
Business Administrator Anthony Ferrara said he was happy that the committee was able to act quickly and introduce an ordinance that could potentially alleviate some residents’ quality of life concerns.
“We appreciate the consideration being done so quickly for these residents,” Mr. Ferrara said.
In addition to the noise complaints, the proposed ordinance also calls for a “written record, log, bill or document evidencing receipt of service” from a waste collection agency for the previous month, as well as proof that the solid waste was taken to a proper facility for disposal.
For single-family and multi-family homes, as well as commercial properties, property owners will be required to enter into a solid waste collection contract for regular service where the township is unable to provide collection services. The requirement will not apply to residents who bring their refuse directly to the township’s solid waste facility.
In those cases, each property owner “shall furnish proof of collection service to the township at least once every 12 months.”
With the ordinance receiving unanimous support at its introduction, the proposal will be discussed during a second hearing, scheduled for the Dec. 13 committee meeting.